Cable Modem States


Current cable modem connectivity state indicates the following events:

State Event
other Any state other than below.
ranging The CMTS has received an Initial Ranging Request message from the CM, and the ranging process is not yet complete.
rangingAborted The CMTS has sent a Ranging Abort message to the CM.
rangingComplete The CMTS has sent a Ranging Complete message to the CM.
ipComplete The CMTS has received a DHCP reply message and forwarded it to the CM.
registrationComplete The CMTS has sent a Registration Response message to the CM.
accessDenied The CMTS has sent a Registration Aborted message to the CM.
operational (Reserved) Indicate operational state after completing the BPI initialization process.
registeredBPIInitializing Baseline Privacy (BPI) is enabled and the CMTS is in the process of completing BPI initialization.


Current cable modem connectivity state indicates the following events:

State Event
offline Modem considered offline.
others States is in docsIfCmtsCmStatusValue.
initRangingRcvd Modem sent initial ranging.
initDhcpReqRcvd Dhcp request received.
onlineNetAccessDisabled Modem registered, but network access for the CM is disabled.
onlineKekAssigned Modem registered, BPI enabledand KEK assigned.
onlineTekAssigned Modem registered, BPI enabledand TEK assigned.
rejectBadMic Modem did attempt to register but registration was refused due to bad mic.
rejectBadCos Modem did attempt to register but registration was refused due to bad COS.
kekRejected KEK modem key assignment rejected.
tekRejected TEK modem key assignment rejected.
online Modem registered, enabled for data.
initTftpPacketRcvd Tftp packet received and option file transfer started.
initTodRquestRcvd Time of the Day (TOD) request received.
reset Modem is resetting.
rangingInProgress(16) Initial ranging is in progress.
dhcpGotIpAddr Modem has got an IP address from the DHCP server.
rejStaleConfig Modem did attempt to register but registration was refused due to stale Config.
rejIpSpoof Modem did attempt to register but registration was refused due to IP Spoof.
rejClassFail Modem did attempt to register but registration was refused due to Class failure.
rejRegNack Modem did attempt to register but no acknowledgement was received.
bpiKekExpired KEK modem key assignment expired.
bpiTekExpired TEK modem key assignment expired.
shutdown Modem is in shutdown state.
channelChgInitRangingRcvd Modem sent initial ranging during channel change.
channelChgRangingInProgress Initial ranging is in progress during channel change.
  • Could return initRangingRcvd or rangingInProgress when the state is ranging.
  • Will return others when the states is either rangingAborted, rangingComplete, and ipComplete.
  • Could return online, or onlineNetAccessDisabled for CM with BPI disabled, or onlineNetAccessDisabled or onlineTekAssigned for CM with BPI enabled, when the state is registrationComplete.
  • Could return either rejectBadMic, rejectBadCos rejStaleConfig or rejRegNack when the state is accessDenied for possible reasons of cable modem registration abort.
  • Could return either onlineKekAssigned, kekRejected, tekRejected, or online for the CM with BPI enabled when the state is registeredBPIInitializing.
  • The state rejectBadCos is not applicable for DOCSIS1.1 modems.