
Abbreviation Term Definition
BIPBit-Interleaved ParityIs defined as a method of error monitoring. The cable could be damaged or the connector needs to be cleaned. This indicates that there is an issue with the fiber connection.
PPPoEPoint-to-Point Protocol over EthernetIs a network protocol for encapsulating Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) frames inside Ethernet frames.
BNGBroadband Network GatewayProvide PPPoE sessions to subscribers who request them.
CPECustomer Premises Equipment-
PADIPPPoE Active Discovery InitiationCPE sends an initiation packet via broadcast.
PADOPPPoE Active Discovery OfferBNG replies with an offer packet.
PADRPPPoE Active Discovery RequestCPE sends a session request packet to BNG.
PADSPPPoE Active Discovery Session-confirmationBNG replies with a session confirmation packet with a session ID.
PADTPPPoE Active Discovery TerminationThis packet terminates the connection. It may be sent either from the CPE or BNG.


Part Number Type Transmit Level Temperature Range TX/RX Wavelength (nm) TX/RX Data Rate (Gbps)
1442530G1B+++1.5 dBm to +5.0 dBm–40°C to +85°C1490 / 13102.488 / 1.244
1442540F1C++3.0 dBm to +7.0 dBm–40°C to +65°C1490 / 13102.488 / 1.244